TM 55-1520-240-23-11
Compare this inventory with that under last CHECK heading, noting any changes in items of
equipment installed in aircraft. Refer to DD Form 365-3 to ascertain whether necessary weight and
moment corrections have been made. If so, place check marks opposite such items in CHART C
ENTRY column on the DD Form 365-1. If not, correct basic weight and moment/constant data on DD
Form 365-3 and then enter CHART C ENTRY column check marks.
Check marks are made only at the time of a complete inventory. Never change check marks or
add new ones under a previously accomplished check heading. Use next CHECK column. When
an inventory is included as part of a weighing, the procedures outlined in the preceding paragraph
should not be omitted since this correction makes possible the comparison of calculated and actual
weight figures. Check marks in CHART C ENTRY column indicate only a calculated change in
the basic chart C figures.
Ensure the same date is entered over CHECK heading on DD Form 365-1 and in date column on DD
Form 365-3 for corresponding corrected basic weight and moment/constant.
G-8. Airplane Weighing Record, DD Form 365-2 (Figure G-3). Fill out DD Form 365-2 as follows:
Fill in identifying data and enter actual scale readings in first columns.
The example weighing forms, provided in Figure G-3 have been modified specifically for use with
CH-47D helicopters. A reproducible modified DD Form 365-2 is also provided in Figure G-3.
This form is usable for 3 or 4 point weighing.
Subtract tare, if any, from scale readings to obtain net weight.
If the helicopter is to be weighed using the 3-point method, the gross weight must be determined
by using the chart in task 1-30. If the 4-point method is used, the helicopter is restricted to a
maximum gross weight of 33,000 pounds.
Actual measurements are not necessary when the helicopter is weighed using either the forward
fuselage jack point or the forward landing gear scissor jack pads and the aft fuselage jack points.
When weighing on 3 points, the forward fuselage jack pad is used in lieu of the 2 jack pads located on the
forward landing gear. The forward fuselage jack pad is a jig point located at fuselage sta. 96.0 designated
as I on weighing form (Figure G-3, sample DD Form 365-2). The 2 aft fuselage jack points as described in
the 4 point weighing procedure are used in conjunction with the forward jack pad. They are also jig points
and are located at fuselage sta. 484.5. They are designated as J on weighing form Figure G-3. When
weighing on 4 points, the jack pads on the landing gear scissors LH and RH are used for the forward
reactions. They are located at fuselage sta. 251.6 and designated as F on weighing form. The two aft
fuselage jack points are jig points and are located at fuselage sta. 484.5 and designated as J on the
weighing form. Moments are taken about the reference datum.
Add net weights and moments of forward and aft reaction.
Divide total moment by total net weight to obtain as weighed CG position in inches from reference
datum (H).
Transfer TOTAL (As Weighed) weight, arm, and moment to back of weighing form.